Web App Assignment To-Do-List

by - September 21, 2016

Use case of the To-do-List

2Web Flow of the System

i. Login – Reset Password
The propose system require user to login at the login page, the system should able to validate user account by checking the email and password entered by the user. If user not found, a message will be prompted to user else the user should be redirect to storyboard. Asides that, forgot password can be reset by enter user email address.

ii. Register
In order to use To-Do-List to manage your tasks, user requires registering at the system. The system should able allow user register itself by filling up the personal information and submit into the system.

iii. View Profile – Change Password – Edit Profile
Once the user login into system they should able to display personal information for viewing purpose. Other that, the system allow user to edit the personal information. To enhance the security user can change the password in the system.

iv. Review Storyboard – Add New Task – Modify Task – Delete Task
The cores function managing your tasks in the system. In the storyboard the user should able to view coming tasks and add new task. The user allows to create a task in the system by enter date, title and description of the task. Once the user confirms the task, the data will record. If any of the field is empty, an error message will be alert to the user which ensures the task is not empty value. Besides that, user can edit the particular details of the task. Any changes will be update into the database. The system not only creates and modifies the task but also able to perform the deletion on the task as well.

TooList with you – Sign In

TooList with you - Add new task at home

TooList with you – Home/Dashboard
  • Sublime a variety of programming and scripting languages. Such as, HTML, JavaScript, CSS for the client site and PHP for the server side scripting. It is distributed as free software.
  • XAMPP is a free and open source cross-platform web server solution stack package, consisting mainly of the Apache HTTP Server, MySQL database, and interpreters for scripts written in the PHP
  • MySQL is an open-source relational database management system which help to create a database.
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