Java oop Assignment Online MMU-Board System

by - September 22, 2015

In this system, we assume that the data of lecturer, student and course was inside the database. The data was provided by the University Administration. It means that lecturers and students account is provided and created to the system. The new lecturer and student will be added by University as it is not our scope. Lecturer can only assign students to the courses he/she handle. So, we assume that we are doing a MMU Board System that the system partially connected with the university’s information. 

Use case diagram of mmu-board system

We have two actors in our system that are lecturer and student. Users is required to login in to the system. After login, users will be given functions they can use based on their user type. Student only can view and edit their own profile and view the course. We combined the forum with viewing course features. It means that users need to choose a course first, then they only can create new discussion and view discussion. For the comment part, there are the same. Users need to choose the discussion first, then they only can access to the comment page (forum). 
Lecturer can use all the function. The functions that student don’t have are view report, manage student and manage comment. Lecturer can choose the report types the system provided to view the particular report. Lecturer can add a student to the course or bar the student from the course by choosing course title and searching the student name by using student id. Lecturer can edit and delete all the comment inside the forum.

This is the subject list of lecturer in Online MMU-Board System. Inside the subject list , lecturer can View any subject and view the student list who had registered in their subject. The new discussion is let lecturer create new discussion title for one of the subject that had chosen at above

The diagram shows lecturer successful create title  in Online MMU-Board System. Lecturer can only create new discussion title for one of the subject

The diagram shows discussion title in Online MMU-Board System. Lecturer can view the discussion of every title and have the authority to delete the irrelevant post of the subject.

The diagram shows discussion of the particular subject in Online MMU-Board System. Lecturer can vote the comment of each student had post. Lecturer can edit and delete the post if the comment is not related to the particular subject. In the other hand, we allow user to upload image in order to show some diagram that easy to understand.

The diagram shows update personal details in Online MMU-Board System. Lecturer and student can edit personal details and upload image. But lecturer have no authority to change student personal details.

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