ASP.Net assignment Leave Management System

by - September 19, 2015

Flow chart diagram of calculation annual leave balance 
Above the flow chart related with AddUser use case and ApplyLeave use case. Eight days for every twelve months of continuous service with the same employer if he has been employed by that employer for a period of less than two years; twelve days for every twelve months of continuous service with the same employer if he has been employed by that employer for a period of two years or more but less than five years. Sixteen days for every twelve months of continuous service with the same employer if he has been employed by that employer for a period of five years or more. If the staffs apply leave the system will check whether the duration of leave is more than annual leave balance that display reject the application else deduction of annual leave balance will perform and display the annual balance leave. 
Use case diagram of leave management system

This project assignment we proper leave management system that is able to perform several tasks. The system is intended to manage the details of staffs of an organization. It also serves the need of managing leaves of the staffs. The department managers will approve or reject leaves for the staffs who have applied for leave, leave status of themselves, viewing their own leave application records. Other that the system able cancel leave applied and change their login password. The numbers of leave days will be calculated automatically through the system. Besides, the managers also able adding staffs. This will be more efficient.

Apply Staff Leave Screen

Check Approve/Cancel Leave Screen

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