Say hi to Selangor Bukit Tabur

by - July 14, 2017

Bukit Tabur located in Selangor, Malaysia.
Bukit Tabur, there are total of 5 peasks : East, West, and Far East, Extra, Extreme
Tabur Far East and Tabur Extreme that lie closer to the National Zoo. The entrance is hiding at the housing area and there is construction in progress. Don’t be shy to ask for the correct trail.

8.00am at the entrance of Far East and Extreme

Tabur Far East and Tabur Extreme are fairly close. They’re two different trails from the same junction.

view Empangan Klang Gate
This was my first time attempt to conquer Tabur Extreme and Tabur Far East.
it take arouad 45 min from starting point to peak of Tabur Extrame

Things to Prepare:
Water 2L
Rain Coat (Optional but highly recommended)
Proper hiking shoes (recommend Kampung Adidas)
Gloves (recommended)
Extra pair of shirts and pants for changing 

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