Say hi to Bentong Mount Rajah Camping

by - May 01, 2017

Mount Rajah is next to Chamang Waterfall at Bentong town, Pahang. Chamang Waterfall is the starting point for the hike and the distance is 16km to the peak. 32km for two ways. Mount Rajah is one of the training ground for hikers that want to attempt Mount Tahan & Kinabalu and a good start those who are new to mountaineering.

This was my first time join OARS MMU hiking Mount Rajah via Lata Chamang. Hike with a 17kg backpack.

It took 4 hours from starting point to reach Lata Naning campsite (10km)

rock-climbing bit is the more difficult part


DAY 1 (28 APRIL 2017, FRIDAY)
2330 Gather at SRM

0200 Depart from SRM
0600 Reach Masjid Bentong Subuh Prayer
0700 Breakfast by the small stall & pack for lunch Breakfast not provided
0900 Start trekking
1200 Stop for lunch
1600 Reach Lata Naning campsite & setup campsite
1700 Free and easy
1800 Start cooking for dinner
2000 Dinner
2100 Ice Breaking

DAY 3 (30 APRIL 2017, SUNDAY)
0600 Wake up, Subuh Prayer and Breakfast
0700 Summit Attack
0815 Kem Hijau (waterpoint)
0930 False peak
1030 Last water point*
1130 Mount Rajah Summit, Lunch
1330 Start to descend
1430 Last water point
1530 False peak
1630 Kem Hijau
1745 Lata Naning (Campsite)
2000 Start cooking for dinner
2100 Dinner
2200 Free & easy and sleep

DAY 4 (1 MAY 2017, MONDAY)
0600 Wake up, Subuh Prayer
0700 Cook for Breakfast
0800 Breakfast
0900 Campsite management, cleaning
1000 Journey back to starting point
1400 Reach starting point
1430 Journey back to MMU Cyberjaya

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