FYP Presentation A Mobile Police Reporting App for Road Accidents

by - February 16, 2017

This project is proposed to assist accident victims to file an accident report after a road accident via mobile app in order to reduce queue waiting times at the police station.

During the planning phase, the requirements of the project are gathered to get a clear idea of the proposed project. Background study was conducted to review existing systems’ functionalities. An informal interview with a police officer was conducted to get an understanding of the current procedures of making a police accident report. Use case diagram, sequence diagram, activity diagram and entity-relationship diagram have been designed based on the project scope.

Apart from that, system implementation was carried out. The full implementation of the project was developed based on the UML diagrams designed in FYP Part 1. After system implementation is completed, system testing is carried out in order to ensure that the system complies with the requirements and objective.

One of the challenges encountered during the system implementation was lack of mastery in NoSQL cloud database. As a beginner for Firebase database, extra efforts have to be put in to learn the necessary skills. Other than that, to ensure that the project meets the system requirements and deliver the project on time. I have to manage the time wisely and ensure that the methodology and Gantt chart are follow accordingly. 

Besides, Search function is added as a new feature that allows the police to search for any accident reports. This function was added during system implementation to allow the police the flexibility to search for the respective reports via vehicle plate, location user IC or accident date. It allows polices to search to search accident detail bases on vehicle plate, location, user IC or accident date.

System Demo :

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