Meeting 5 : Accident Comment Screen and Police Search Accident Detail Screen

by - January 03, 2017

- User sign-up with Email verification
- Police remove accident report
- Police issue summons
- User pay summon
- Police comment accident report
- User comment accident report
- User generate accident report
- Police generate monthly accident report

- Update ERD, use case, project scope, sequence diagram, activity diagram
- Create test case
- Describe interface design
- Update Gantt chart


Member accident report list and accident comment screen. This screen will show member accident history. The member can view the accident status and summon status. They are three types of accident statuses: pending, progress and complete. An accident status of pending means that the accident report has not yet been viewed by the police officer. An accident status of progress means that the accident report has viewed by the police officer or the police officer has issued summon on the particular accident report but the member has not yet pay the accident summon. An accident status of complete means that the member has paid the accident summon. Once the accident status is complete it show Image Button “Share” is provided to accident report to insurance companies for accident claim. Besides, if police officers want to get more information, there is an Image Button “Comment” provided to allow police officer and user giving comments to the accident report

Police search accident detail screen. The police officer is able to search on accident record match with the user input. The polices are allow searching on accident record bases on vehicle plate, location, Ic or date

Police generate accident report screen. The police officers allow to selecting the date for generate and view accident report by area of accidents

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