Say hi to Pahang Maran Berkelah Waterfall Camping

by - May 05, 2018

Berkelah waterfalls is located in the state of Pahang, between Kuantan and Maran town in Penisular Malaysia. The waterfall consist of 7 tiers, with the last tier highest of around 50 meters high.

 Berkelah Park Entrance.At the shelter bridge with signboard “Selamat Datang Welcome Hutan Lipur Berkelah” Follow the pavement route.
 We guys go with van Lori jer, back with 4x4.

The hike will take about 1 hour arrive at  campsite.

 setting up camp

So free activity. Someone has survived, who has been able to cook the rice,  a tent with a fried vegetable, Lunch, fried vegetables, lipton tea. Throughout my trip I was drinking lipton tea. Delicious.

Abseiling activities are waterfall level 1 SPORTS SHOES ARE NOT RECOMMENDED Rubber shoe/Hiking shoes, since all the way are rock hiking
 The lane becomes very rocky. A lot of stones and boulders. track to the level 7 is quite challenging and dangerous because it is quite slippery and stony path.
The scenery along the trek totally awesome. You will enjoying the mesmerising scenery. It more to trekking than hiking.

Level 7


Friday ( 04.05.18 )
10.00pm : Gather at SRM
11.00pm : Depart from SRM

Saturday ( 05.05.18 )
5.00am : Arrive at Hutan Lipur Berkelah
6.00am : Subuh prayer & Breakfast
8.00am : Depart to Berkelah by lorry
8.30am : Trekking to campsite
9.30am : Arrive at campsite
10.00am : Free & Easy
11.00am : Start abseiling activity
1.00pm : Lunch
2.00pm : Continue abseiling
5.00pm : Preparation for BBQ & Dinner
8.00pm : Dinner
9.00pm : Free & Easy
10.00pm : Sleep

Sunday ( 06.05.18 )
6.00am : Self-preparation
7.00am : Prepare for breakfast
8.30am : Trekking to main pool
12.00pm : Back to campsite
2.00pm : Trekking back to lorry pick-up point
5.00pm Return to MMU

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