Week 5 : My Homestay Member Reservation

by - July 03, 2014

  • Create a search function for member page.
  • Create page for member reservation homestay, rating homestay and view history of their reservation.

The picture above is showing the homestay information. The right side column is show the member selected check-In date and check-out date it will auto calculate how many nights that the member selected and the total booking amount.

After confirm the check-In check-out date and booking amount, click the payment button it will direct jump to Paypal sandbox system. The picture above is showing the order summary with the name of the homestay.

In the other hand, our system can generate PDF statement. The statement details included guest name, homestay name, check-In date, check-out date, night and total amount.

This is the member dashboard with homestay list. Once the owner done the add function it will direct go to homestay list and the have several homestay that the owner before. We did the edit and delete function for the homestay list also but cannot multiple edit homestay information.

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