Task 1 : Maintenance Times E-Module Web Application

by - March 12, 2014

During testing of the Times E-Module Web Application, I found that the Times E-Module required the user to change the password at first time login into the Times E-Module. I inform to my senior that the problem is that after change of the password it should get back to login page but here it’s remain in the same page. The senior suggested me to modify the code behind for the employee who is first time login the Times E-Module required to set a new password and give alert redirect to the login page. The difficult part is to create source code by using programming in C#. It is very similar to Java in its syntax with a major difference begin that all variable types are descended from a common ancestor class. After changing the password and give an alert without re-enter website URL automatically redirected to login page is convenient to the user and saving time in that case. It does not break the Back button functionality of the browser. 
 The example above shows that give alert without renter website URL redirect automatically to login page

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