2012 CDP Director's Awards

by - September 08, 2012

MMU CDP Director's Awards event wish is give the certificate of Distinction student.

A quality student is not only a student who excels in tests and exams but also enable to think creatively and posses high innovation skills. This is where the Director’s Award and Best Intellectual Creativity Competition (BICC) takes place. All the Director’s List students will be given certificates to certify their excellency in academic performance. Furthermore, best student will be receiving Director’s Award trophy based on their ability and strength in academic and good comments from all the lecturers. For BICC, all final year students are required to complete a project that will be given to them. Final Year Project (FYP) Competition is a competition between Diploma students in Information Technology (DIT) and Telecommunication Engineering (DTE). Only the best group selected by their advisor and supervisor will compete in this competiton. For students from Diploma in Business Administration (DBA) they will participate in business plan category. 

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